Notes #3 and #4

I have barely had time to write these past two weeks, though I have been fulfilling my reading goals. Thus, here are notes three and four. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë A classic, of course, and a regular appearance on “greatest novels of all time” lists. The novel is also the inspiration behind Kate Bush’sContinue reading “Notes #3 and #4”

My favorite books of 2021

8. The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr. Hoffmann by Angela Carter When I had first finished reading The Infernal Desire Machines I wasn’t necessarily sure if it was going to leave a lasting impression. The same was true for Our Lady of the Flowers by Jean Genet which I read shortly thereafter. Unlike the GenetContinue reading “My favorite books of 2021”

13 books I will actually get to next year

I read a lot of books in 2020 but I amassed so many more of them than I was able to read. Gifts, visits to the second-hand store, and occasional bursts of an unresistable urge to buy more dead trees: All of these things left me with an ever-growing pile of books. There’s plenty ofContinue reading “13 books I will actually get to next year”

Book Review: Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs

The Medium is the Message. McLuhan’s famous phrase might have never been more fitting for describing a piece of literature than for Burroughs’ magnum opus. The novel is as beautiful as it is hideous, as indecipherable as it is expressive, but first and foremost it is absolutely insane. Naked Lunch is revolutionary, mainly for twoContinue reading “Book Review: Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs”

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